The present Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has launched this land marked initiative with initial seed money of Rs. 500 million. The seed money has been enhanced by providing further grant of Rs. 500 million. The Endowment Fund is regulated under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Higher Education Scholarships Endowment Fund Act, 2023 and governed by a Board under the chair of Honorable Chief Minister, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
To provide scholarships to talented and deserving students of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa purely on merit-cum-affordability basis in order to improve the standards of education and to produce highly qualified and professionally skilled/trained manpower to cater the future needs of the province in selected fields.
The scholarships are advertised each year. The scholarships are awarded in collaboration with the approved institutions through MOUs. The students apply directly to the institutions. Application forms and other relevant information are available on the websites of these institutions. The scholarship amount is disbursed to the institution directly on semester basis. The scholarship covers tuition fee, lab, libraries, food, hostel charges and monthly stipend of Rs.5000/- per month.
CMEEF Chief Minister Endowment Fund KPK PMU Scheme 2023 Application Form Download Eligibility Criteria
A prospective recipient should be:
- Domiciled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
- A student qualified for admission on merit in any of the “Approved Institutions”.
- Should not be in receipt of any other scholarship.
- Monthly income of his father/guardian (from all sources) should not be more than Rs.100, 000/per month
For Scholarships in Foreign Institutions:
- Having offer of admission in one of the top 10 universities of the world (QS ranking)
- Fulfilling HEC criteria for award of M.Phil / Ph.D scholarship
Gender Sensitive Initiative
The Department is pursuing gender sensitive policies to tackle gender related issues. Following specific measures have been taken to address gender constraints in the provision of higher education:
- Salary benefit package to the teachers serving in the remote area colleges of 08 districts.
- Provision of buses to the female colleges: In order to provide transport facility to the female students, 96 buses have been provided to Govt: Girls Colleges till now.
- Provision of Day Care Centers in girls Colleges: In order to facilitate the female teachers and help them balance between their care work and professional responsibilities, the provincial govt: has set up day care centers in girl”s colleges- Forty four (44) centers have been established.
- Creation of posts of Assistant Director (Female) & Deputy Director (Female) at Directorate level and Section Officer (Female) at Departmental level to deal exclusively with female colleges and staff. Similarly non-gazette staff of female colleges is preferably selected out of female applicants