Cadet College Gadap aims to train young students of class VIII to class XII to be potential officers for the armed forces of Pakistan. Cadets however, are free to join career of their own choice. Police, Civil Services, Medical, Engineering, Law, Agriculture, Business, Politics or any other profession. Character building, personality development, excellence in education and inculcation of leadership qualities are essential elements of the training scheme followed at the college.
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On admission to the college each cadet and his father / guardian will bind himself to abide by the college rules /regulations and orders (written or verbal) issued from time to time. Penalties for infringement shall be at the sole discretion of the Principal which cannot be questioned. Request for admission are accepted on the implicit understanding that these conditions are acceptable to the applicant, his parents / guardian.
The entire edifice of the college rests on maintaining a high standard of discipline as it plays a very significant role in grooming and moulding the cadets into a wholesome personality with a high sense of moral characters and patriotism in order to make them fit to shoulder their responsibility as useful citizens of Pakistan.
The cadets are not allowed to keep the following items while they are in the college:
- Transistors, Video games and electric appliances, personal computer, wireless, Radio TV sets, Walkman, Mobile / Cellular Phones etc.
- Unauthorized medicines / Drug.
- Weapons of any kind.
- Match box, burners, heaters, etc.
- Explosive / Combustible material.
- Cash and valuables not beyond Rs 2000/-.
- Cigarettes / narcotics in any form.
- Undesirable printed material.
- Music instruments.
- Dry fruits
A cadet is expelled from the college owing to the following reasons:
- If his progress, conduct, general behaviour and standard of discipline are not found satisfactory.
- If he bluntly refuses to follow or show slackness in following the college rules, order or instruction, routine, discipline or code of conduct.
- If he does not show genuine interest in his studies and training consistently.
- If he has developed such tendencies which can spoil the reputation of the college or adversely affect the morale and discipline of other cadets.
- If he is found guilty of possessing any prohibited item will be expelled from the college immediately.
- He can be expelled owing to his poor performance in studies.
- Any other reason, the college finds feasible.
- If he is unable to get 60% marks and fails in the terminal or Annual Examination.
- In case of Pre-Board examination of class IX, X, XI or XII, failure even in any one subject may result in his expulsion. Similarly, if he fails in class IX, X or XI in any of the subjects in the Board Examination, he will be expelled.
Punishment for late arrival after leave/vacation
The following punishment will be awarded to a cadet if he comes late and wilfully absents himself on the expiry of leave, special leave or vacation:
- Late arrival on the same day: A fine of Rs.500/-
- Absence from the college: a fine @ Rs. 1000/- per day, upto maximum of six days (extra drill etc. may be awarded in addition to the fine)
Note: The name of the cadet will be struck off the college roll after six days of absence. In case of re-joining, admission fee, security deposit and other expenditures as per college rules will be charges