The past century has been host to many technological advancements resulting in a gradual progression towards the betterment of society. Space science as such, has been a vital force behind this advancement and has revolutionized the process of advancement.
In this backdrop, it was decided in the year 2002 to establish an educational institution that would impart specialized education in space and related science to bring our nation at par with the international community. Thus, the Institute of Space Technology came into existence in September 2002 offering undergraduate degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Communication Systems Engineering as its core disciplines.
IST Institute Of Space Technology Admission Fall 2023 Online Registration Eligibility Criteria Last Date
IST offers scholarships to top six students in each discipline excluding sponsored students. Scholarships are granted on the basis of admissions merit and semesters’ results.
The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics maintains internationally recognized academic programs in Aerospace and Avionics engineering via ongoing consultation with students, faculty, industry, and aerospace professionals. Results of these consultations are used in a process of continuous academic improvement to provide the best possible education for our students.
The aerospace engineer is primarily concerned with the design, analysis, testing, and overall operation of vehicles which operate in air, water, and space. The curriculum is designed to provide the student with an education in the fundamental principles of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, structural mechanics, flight controls, design, testing, and space technologies. A wide variety of opportunities awaits the aerospace engineering graduate in research, development, design, production, sales, and management in the aerospace industry, and in many related industries in which fluid flow, control, and transportation problems play major roles.
- Bachelor of Science(BS)
- Bachelor of Science (Aerospace Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science (Avionics Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science (Materials Science & Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Science (Space Science)